Saturday 7 December 2019

Renew Your Spirit This Year

While many people set concrete goals like losing weight, saving money or traveling as part of their New Year's resolutions, I would like to invite you to consider renewing your spirit instead this year. The noble practice of tending to your inner spiritual light and cultivating a sense of peace in your heart may not seem so inviting, but the payoffs are tremendous! When we shift the focus from how we look on the outside to how we feel on the inside, great rewards can be gained and new insights achieved. Our soul is calling us home to true selves, if we take the time to listen.
Essentially, by renewing your spirit through regular daily meditation, you will avail yourself of a reservoir of peace and contentment that surpasses all material gains and desires. Additionally, you can learn to let the peace you feel in meditation ground and support you in your daily life and thus offer a more relaxed and calm approach to situations. Imagine sitting quietly, starting each day with full deep breaths, breathing deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth while focusing on relaxing every fiber of your being. After a time of following this soothing breath, you could then concentrate on breathing in the feeling of peace and breathing out any residual stress or worries. Once an inner stillness is felt, you could then sit and bask in this serenity, while enjoying the sense of being fully in the present moment, with nowhere to go and nothing to do. After this period of quietude, you can then use this powerful energy of inner tranquility to guide you and empower you with the greatest vision of your life.
Some of the greatest authors, artists and musicians have received their inspiration through quiet contemplative times. You too can receive inspiration for your life when you learn to tune in to the inner stillness of your soul. When you are calm and focused, your spirit can then use you as a vehicle for the expression of love, peace and creativity in this world. Answers to problems you face in your day to day life can be revealed through deep listening. Stress, struggle and worry tend to disconnect us from our true nature and our inner guidance. When unduly stressed, our physical vitality may become weak, sleep may be difficult and sickness can set in. Meditation brings us back home to ourselves, to our life force and to our innate self- healing power.
When we are centered in our bodies and calm in our minds, then we can face life with a sense of hope and gratitude. Our energy rises and our hearts open as we relax and let go. We can then become more receptive to receiving blessings in our lives because we are trusting that everything is perfect within this moment. Meditation teaches us to stop the struggle and just be.
During this New Year, I would like you to challenge yourself to renew your spirit each day, by meditating for thirty minutes. Just as in jogging the body benefits most from the exercise that is done after twenty minutes of a sustained cardio workout, so too with meditation. Meditating for a minimum of twenty to thirty minutes brings more results that five or ten minutes. Once this meditation practice is established, you can then use the meditation to consciously focus on what you want to create in your life. By imagining in your mind's eye during meditation, the way you want to feel in your day to day life, and what it is that you want to bring into your life you can align yourself with the forces of the universe to help in creating this happening. For example, if you want to feel more confident, and get a new job, you can envision yourself successfully handling a job interview and shaking hands with your new boss while feeling peaceful, comfortable and confident. In this way, through using the power of visualization you tap into the mystical power of manifestation in your life, and change can happen more readily.
As you can see there are many benefits to meditation, however as with any new skill or art it takes diligent practice to get better at it. I would like to suggest a free app for your phone called "Insight Timer". This app offers hundreds of meditations from many different backgrounds. Whether you are seasoned at meditating and wish to branch out and explore new ways of, or you are brand new, this app promises to delight you. There are guided meditations, music, chanting and nature sounds. Since we are all unique, find what works best for you and then commit to doing that meditation every day. You will be glad you did when you see the rewards of your practice coming to life in your world.
This simple yet profound act of meditating regularly and renewing your spirit can provide you with a source of inner strength, peace and power that is better than any trip or external goal you may set. Welcome back home to yourself. 2019.
Liah Howard is a Psychic/Channel and Medium and a teacher of psychic development and an author. She also writes for four inspirational magazines. Liah teaches classes in Psychic Development both in person and on-line. She has a free 20 class multi-media video series that teaches psychic development on-line via You Tube. Visit Liah's website for free guided meditations, articles, radio shows, videos, and to schedule a phone session..

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