Monday 2 December 2019

How To Have Healthy Relationships

Most of the times we are surrounded by family, relatives and friends. If our relationship with them is not nice we have a recipe for unhappiness. Strained relationships can cause stress. If you are facing stress then you will not be able to focus on your goals. Sorting out differences with relatives and friends is important for making sure that we have no distractions on our path to success.
Our relationships with our spouses can define our happiness in life. In a country like India where divorce is still a taboo, finding a good life partner is very important. Once you get married to a person you are under pressure to maintain a good relationship with the person even if you dislike him or her.
Ego clashes are often reasons behind strained relationships. The reality is that it's not easy to keep your ego in check. If you want to be happy and satisfied in life then you should make some efforts to sort out your relationships with your spouse, family, relatives and friends. You can also learn to give proper personal space to people so that they are comfortable living with you.
You need to communicate frequently with people to avoid any kind of misunderstanding. Bitching about people should be avoided at all costs. It's a better strategy to just talk to the people if you have any issues with them, instead of gossiping behind their back.
There should be regular interaction for a healthy relationship. Many times we are short of time and neglect a relationship. Many relationships become emotional desert land after lack of communication for a long period of time. It's often seen that many relationships go sour simply because people don't interact much. Misunderstanding is also caused by lack of communications.
Many times people tell half-truths to others in an attempt to show themselves in a better light. It can damage a relationship. If you love bitching about a person in absence of him then you are inviting a trouble in the relationship. It will only damage your reputation. Backbiting and gossiping will erode trust of people in you. Don't talk negatively about a person, especially when he is not present there.
Honesty is the best policy in relationships. If you are used to telling lies to people then you will soon find it tough to tell more lies. You will end up finding yourself in a trouble as your lies will be exposed one day and you will lose face.
If you love a person you should not let ego come between you and the person. There is no space for ego in any good relationship. Many times there is a misunderstanding between you and a person, and you don't want to take the first step to clear the misunderstanding due to your ego. It will ultimately hurt and weaken your relationships.
If you have a serious issue with views of a person then you may agree to disagree to save the relationship. If you are not able to adjust to disagreements then it many cause a rift in the relationship. It's better if you just adjust a bit or avoid the topic. We humans are not alike. We all have our own preferences, like and dislikes. So, don't expect everyone to be like us. We should learn to respect our differences.
Many times we judge people and let others know what we feel about that person. It's not fair. To have good relationships with people don't be judgmental. You must accept people the way they are. After all you also want people to accept you the way you are.
No one is perfect. We all have merits and demerits. We should focus on good things in a person. We should ignore demerits, unless they're serious. I don't mean that we should accept a killer or a looter. All I mean is that we should forget and forgive small mistakes and drawbacks of people. We all humans are imperfect animals. We have bad habits like gossiping, passing judgement and backbiting. If we see others displaying these characteristics we should forgive them as these habits come natural to most people.
Many times relationships are damaged if you become too possessive. Learn to give a personal space to your friend, spouse or relatives. They are also humans and they deserve personal space the way we need it. Being possessive can be harmful for a relationship.

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