Sunday 2 February 2020

Awaken The Champion In You

A man's life does not consist in the abundance of things which he possesses but in the value of his contribution to the world, through the fulfillment of his purpose. Livelihood therefore consists in what you have but the worth of your life is measured by what you give.
Your life is the sum total of all you has been given; but how well you lived that life is shown by what you give in return. Your life is God's gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to the world.
You are endowed with special gifts, unique abilities, wonderful graces that only you possess in that special combination.
You must not go back to God with them. God intends that all He has deposited in you must be expended during your lifetime to fulfill the purpose why He put you on the earth.
Have you ever wondered why your fingerprint is different from that of any other person-dead or alive? This is because the legacy God destined you to leave on earth can be attained by no other person but you. You alone can be you. That's how unique you are!
For several years I struggled to find my place of relevance and significance in this world because I did not know who I was, what I was endowed with and why I was endowed with what I was endowed with. You see, self discovery is the mother of self-actualisation. Until you know what you are, and who you are, you will never know why you are. You will only become in life what you already are by nature, and that you must discover!
The outward circumstances of your life only line up with who you are on the inside. Hear this: There is nothing wrong with you! You are perfect and complete in your spirit! The only issue may be that you need to renew your mind with the Word of God, and find your place.
Do you know that every outward limitation you face is only a clue to an inward potential that is lying dormant. This means that in life you will only experience difficulties that you have what it takes to overcome.
Also, the ammunition the enemy chooses to attack you with is a clue to his fear of you. It reveals something in your life that poses a great threat to his agenda and an area of great potential strength against his kingdom.
Are you fearful, timid, and lazy? These only reveal that there is a potential of becoming a man full of faith, boldness, courage, smartness and diligence on your inside. Therefore you must advance towards your fears. You have to double your rate of advancing towards them.
Were you abused, rejected? Do have suffer from low self-esteem? Was your background a story and tale of poverty and misery? Have you had suicidal tendencies? Have you almost given up on life to resort to the quiet, low life of no ambitions?
The past only reveals a clue to the greatness in your shining star. What have you gone through in your past? What are you not proud of about your life? Do you know that it is from that same point that God will raise you a voice and a name, if you will let Him?
The power of resurrection that raised Christ Jesus from the dead can raise a man from the dungeons of life and place him among the princes on earth. But do you know that the power of resurrection was not revealed until Jesus was in the very depths of hell.
If where you are now may very well be described as a dungeon or even worse, then get ready to experience the power of resurrection, for that is what you need. And that's why you must never give in, in your faith.
The champion in you will not be awakened until a certain level of crises comes your way. And rest assured that if God allows it to come your way, He will be there to see you overcome it. But it will be done to you according to your faith.
Now, until you get to that place where you become restless and strongly desire a change, the champion in you may remain sound asleep.
Let the challenges you face in life add meaning and value to your faith! Awaken the champion in you!
Arise! Win! It's in you!

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