Saturday 1 February 2020

Who Do You Think You Are? What Does God Think You Are?

Am I even important? If you have ever battled with feelings of depression then it is very likely you have asked yourself this question. Though the wording may differ it is important you recognize the question of our significance in all its forms. On the contrary this is not about the question but rather the answer to the question. Can we really get to know how important we are? The answer is yes and stick with me for a few minutes and I would take you through the pages of the oldest manual for humans - the Bible. However before we tackle the issue of our importance let us outline a few characteristics of important things. Important things receive more attention for a longer time. We usually spend more time learning three-credit courses than we do with one-credit courses. Important things are more useful than unimportant things. Nobody wants to be associated with useless things. We all want to be useful or contribute to something that was useful. Important things are needed whilst unimportant things may be wanted. We may chase after money and all the nice things in life because we want them. But we need air, food and warmth to survive. They are common but that doesn't reduce their importance - you need them. When important things are created, they last for a long time. A lot of things are created, but as soon as they lose their importance they fall into oblivion and are forgotten. The important things keep on living on. The first mark of your importance is that
God has chosen you. He chose you before even the world was formed (Acts 1:4). He is God. He could have chosen the birds, the trees, the reptiles, the elephants or even the gorillas; but he chose you. How awesome is that! He did not only choose you but he gave you dominion over the birds of the air, the animals on land and any other that has breath. The Bible says that you are part of God's chosen and special people, people who have been called to declare the good works of God (1 Pet 2:9). Another evidence of your importance is that God needs you. You heard me right. God needs you. God is love (1John 4:8). For love to exist there must be an object of love. Imagine somebody walked up to you and said "I love". You would probably ask, "What/Who do you love?" God is love, but he needs us to be the object of His love. I am not saying you are the only person that He can love. Before we existed, there was perfect love in the trinity. What makes us different is the fact that He chose to love us. Do you remember I said important things receive more attention for a longer time? Well here it is then: God knew you before you were born. God knew when you will be born. God knew where you will be born and He knows how long you will live. The Bible says in Psalm 139:16, "you saw me before I was born. The days allotted to me had all been recorded in your book, before any of them ever began" (Good News). If that is not attention tell me what it is. He even knows the number of hairs on your head! Last of all, important things last for a longer time when they are created. Human beings have been around for about 6,000 years and still counting. What more even though you will live to be about 70 years, God has given you the opportunity to live forever. You are a candidate for eternity. Nobody wants anything that is a waste to be around for eternity. You are so important that He wants you around forever. He will not force you but He has made a way for you to be around forever. That is how important He thinks you are. Each and every day we go through life thinking of how we fit in. If you have been searching for evidence of your importance, just know that the creator of the world thinks you are important and He loves you. Stay blessed. Article Source: Article Source:

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