Sunday 8 March 2020

To Improve The Quality Of Your Life, Focus On Getting Better

Personal Growth Is A Long And Arduous Journey
Do you want to improve your life? Are you committed to changing your conditions? Many people will answer yes to these questions, though it is my experience very few people are dedicated to improve their life. This is because the work is difficult, unending and filled with setbacks and disappointments. It is often lined with unpleasant emotions and digging up the past to heal and transform our wounds. But there is no other way than doing the difficult work of attending to our personal growth. It cannot happen overnight nor in thirty days, as many books espouse because this is only skimming the surface.

Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi FREE Live Training (The Knowledge Business Blueprint 2.0)

Saturday 7 March 2020

Life - Just Like a Game of Ludo

Did I hear you say "Life is dicey"? Living life is like casting dice in a game of Ludo. A die has different faces but you only need one face to start your game; a six (6). Once you start, you can no longer predict the faces you display when you throw; maybe 1,2,3,4 or 5. You just play with whatever you have whether it moves your token to the finish square safely or it drags along, whether it takes you far or slows you down.

Robert Kiyosaki 2019 - The Speech That Broke The Internet!!! KEEP THEM POOR!

Friday 6 March 2020

5 Ways to Improve Your Motivation to Exercise

There is something very interesting about exercise. With most things in life, although we are in an information age, there is a lack of widely accessible information. For instance, most of us wouldn't easily access accurate information on how to install satellite television or how to read a financial statement.
When it comes to exercise things are different though, there is information everywhere and everyone knows in some way how to exercise. The lack of motivation towards exercise shows that we do not do what we know. We do not do what we want either because most of us genuinely want to exercise but we don't always do it. Clearly in order to exercise we need to do, not just what we know or want but what we are motivated to do. In this article, I want to share with you a few strategies that will help you become motivated to exercise.

Lisa Nichols Power Jam 2020 - Best Of!

Thursday 5 March 2020

Make This Year Your Year

Certain times of the year can prompt us to review our lives. It may be a new year, an anniversary, a significant birthday that motivates us to pause awhile and reflect on where we are, on what we've done with our lives and what we'd like to do next. For some this could be a pleasurable few moments of reflection. We've achieved much of what we aimed for, have good relationships, lovely children, a successful career or business, good quality of life and so we smile, feeling proud, content, looking forward to the year ahead with enthusiasm.
But for others this reflection can result in an, 'is this it?' response, followed by perhaps feeling stuck in a rut, trapped by circumstances and unsure what next steps might be possible. A variety of constraints and limitations, fear of rocking the boat and the potential impact of changes may deter further thought. And yet so many people hit their forties, fifties or even sixties and feel they've missed out. Rather than be that person why not use the new year as a natural start to a new phase of life and a new you?

Tony Robbins Teaches You How To Stay Connected With Your Loved Ones | Success Resources

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Keep Trying, Don't Give Up, Failure Is Just Part of the Process!

Most of us on this planet are trying hard to increase our income to support our families and help siblings or friends that are really battling, or we may be fighting to conquer a habit or an addiction, and it's hard going. We try and we fail. We try again and we fail again. We give up for awhile then we try again and we fail again. After a while of this, we tend to get discouraged or even depressed. The thing is, this is very normal.
Failure is a normal part of the process of reaching success. We tend to hear of those people who start a home business and immediately rake in the cash, but these are the freaks of the success spectrum. I happen to know a lady personally who is like that - everything she tries immediately turns to gold. But she's not normal. The massive majority of us have to battle through many failures before finding success, so don't give up, keep trying!!

RICH VS POOR MINDSET | An Eye Opening Interview with Robert Kiyosaki

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Tips to Avoid Accidents and Injury: A Personal Story

About 18 months ago, my daughter had a bad car accident, and her knee was smashed. After about six months she was able to walk again, but could not bend the knee past 90 degrees, making walking and other exercise difficult. It changed her life, and started affecting her back badly.
At the time of the accident, she was driving a little Nissan Micra on the 450km journey from university to our home for the mid-year holidays. She swerved for a huge pothole, and the car went into a skid and hit a tree at 100km/hr. The airbags saved her face and body, but the knee was smashed.
Since this happened, there have been so many things I wished I had told her about driving. I wished I had stressed the importance of the little things that could have saved her all the pain and suffering she had to endure as a young lady.
So I'm going to say them in this article. Maybe it will save a life, or save some suffering. I hope so. So in random order, here goes:

Watch on catch up Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi's free live training session