Wednesday 29 January 2020

Feeling Bored? Spice Up Your Life!

Ever look at your life and feel like it's not what you thought it would be? A lot of people have felt that way at some point in their lives. We had this idea in our minds of how our life would be and it's nowhere near that. That could be for a number of reasons but regardless, I believe it's never too late to accomplish your goals and dreams. It's never too late to make a change. If you're feeling like your life is boring, that may be because you're not doing anything. You are not really participating in life. Life is happening all around you and you're sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else. You have to be honest with yourself. You should do an internal check-in with yourself. Where are you emotionally and mentally? Spiritually? Whether you are religious or spiritual or neither, I think prayer is something we've all heard of. If you believe in prayer, when is the last time you prayed for guidance? Day by day, life is happening. You only get to do this thing called life once. I don't think anyone wants to consider their life boring. A lot of things are in our control. For example, if you stay home all the time and never go anywhere, you associate with the same people, you never try anything new, that's a choice. You're choosing to do that. We all choose to do what we do. The reality is that nothing changes until YOU change. You must decide to. So if you're feeling bored, here are a few tips to spice up your life:
1. Be Accountable. Stop pointing fingers at everyone else and take accountability for your actions. Take accountability for your life. You are where you are based on actions that you've taken. Or the inaction you've taken. Be honest with yourself about what's been in your control. You are the one making decisions so if you're not happy with where you are, then try making different decisions that are aligned with what you really want. Be honest with yourself about how you've been showing up. Think about someone who, to you, does not have a boring life. What are they doing? How are they showing up in the world? What actions are they taking? Think about who you want to be with a life full of spice. What would you be doing? What would you need to change now to become that? Once you figure that out, then take action towards becoming that.
2. Do Something Different. You can't keep doing the same things and expect different results. If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done. Take a risk here and there. Some of you play it so safe, you just coast through life. There are no wow moments. You follow a very straight line and never do anything different. Success is not a straight line. If you ever listen to some of the world's most successful people, you will hear that they took risks. They didn't do what everyone else was doing. Everything wasn't perfect. Everything still isn't perfect. Perfection doesn't exist. If you're feeling bored, do something different. Spice it up. Add variety. Go to a different restaurant. Travel to somewhere you've never been. Try a new dance class. Read a book in a different genre. Cook a dish from another country. Take a different route home than the normal. Small changes consistently can lead to big changes. And it can get you out of the boring rut you're in.
3. Meet New People. Some of you hang with people that don't do anything and you wonder why you feel bored. There is a saying that 'Birds of a feather flock together'. In other words, you are who you hang around. There is a law of association that says you are the sum of the five closest people you associate with the most. Think about that. The people you hang around are influencing you whether you realize that or not. Get out and meet new people. Get different perspectives. Remember, you have to do something different. Change your circles a bit. Elevate your circles. If you want to have some fun and spice it up, then get around people that are fun and living it up. has a lot of different groups that you can join for free based on your interests and zip code. Try different networking events. Meet new people and make new friends.
We have more control over our lives than we think or want to believe. If you want to get rid of the boredom then participate more in life. If you're single, do things by yourself. Enjoy your own company. You don't always need to have someone with you. Regardless, only you can make the decision that you are going to spice up your life and take action to do so.
Live Big! Dream Big!
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