Monday 6 January 2020

Message From the Universe: Work on Quality, Not Quantity!

"A master's awareness of spiritual laws directs him or her to manifest major life changes by working with their thoughts, not by working harder.
Which isn't to say they don't sometimes work very long hours, because they do; they just don't think of it as work. Which also isn't to say they all have cool jobs that anyone would love, because they don't; they just see every task before them, no matter where they work, as a gift to unwrap.
The Universe

Loving what you do in life is a crucial element to success. You can't be hating what you do because this feeling of excitement will disappear. You want to be able to wake up every morning, as early as possible because you are excited about starting a new day. The level of excitement is palpable. You want to tackle the day with all your energy and passion. Nothing should stop you as you know that you will face some pothole along your path but you always keep going forward. If all path to success was easy, everyone would travel that road. There is a say: "always go that extra mile, because there is never any traffic out there". It is true because no one is willing to travel that road as it may be scary at times because lack of familiarity or just because of laziness. Whatever the reason may be, this is what differentiate successful people and... well... the other type of people. Anyone who are avid gym goers and workout with weights, to grow your muscles, you need to cross that pain barrier and keep on pushing further until the lactic acid burn brings you to a state of oblivion. This is what many do not do. Crossing that painful state when working out, you allow your muscles to grow and gain size and definition. If you stop lifting when feeling pain, you will never see positive changes in your body. So what are you willing to do to reach your goals?
This answer depends on you. You are the one who knows exactly what you want out of life. You know what you need to do to make things happen. You can create yourself a clear path to success by thinking about what you need to do but if your actions are opposite of your thoughts, nothing in your life will work. You will try and try and still not see results. You will then just abandon your dreams and look for something less frustrating or challenging to do. You are being victimized by your own thoughts, your own wrong doing. No one else is to blame. When something doesn't work, you need to tweak it a little bit, try different options, different approaches until you get the outcome you are looking for. Now not everything will work the way you want, even if you use every single options imaginable, but as long as you tried everything, you will never know and live life with regrets. Believe me, this is not the way to live your life.
Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC
Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach
Free Consultation: 301-325-1550

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