Saturday 4 January 2020

Simple Encouragement - How Positive Motivation Can Make a Huge Impact

How about encouraging the people around you a little? How do you it? How does it help? Read on for answers.
Making others smile and giving them a little joy by appreciating them a little definitely makes you smile and gives you joy. While you forget it in a short while, people remember and savor your compliments for a lifetime.
How about making it a point and visiting kindergarten schools and spending time with the kids taking the teachers' permission and helping the kids to have a great time by finger painting? Simply encouraging them to have a little fun will make them smile and make their day. The teachers will be equally pleased and learn from you.

How about visiting old homes and playing your favorite guitar for the old people? It will be a change for them for a while and encourage them to sing and dance even at old age, forgetting their worries and body disorders. Yes, I would recommend that.
I would also recommend that volunteers go to cancer hospitals and cheer up the ill children and grownups who are suffering from cancer by giving them little gifts plus make them all sing in a chorus. Yes, it would make their hearts smile and help to alleviate their pain.
Who else could you motivate? How about your own spouse and children? Note down all the good qualities you find about them in a journal. After you think you have written enough about them, book a family evening with your family members, have a nice dinner and then read out to them all that you have written about them in your journal.
It will move each and every one of them and even make them cry out of joy. But it's worth doing it. That is because your family bonds get stronger and you all will soon be helping, motivating and encouraging each other even more.
Summing up, those are some of the ways you leave positive imprints in the minds of people whom you have encouraged with motivating words by going the extra mile. I say it's worth it doing something positive for the people around. Blessings and more blessings are bestowed upon you everywhere you go because the Universe acknowledges your good deeds and efforts. You will smile and be blissful.
I would recommend that you continue your mission of encouraging others because a little motivation would have a huge impact on the people and even change their lives for the better.
So do it more often and continue to accept the bountiful gifts of blessings from the Universe.
Rosina S Khan has authored this article. For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories, amazing self-help eBooks, commendable articles, quality scholar papers and valuable blogs, all authored by her, and much more, visit: You will be glad that you did.

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