Sunday 12 January 2020

Message From the Universe: Where Things Appear to Be Different Than What They Really Are!

"Within any clearly imagined dream, far beyond the curtains of time and space, lies the intelligence and energy to choreograph the entire sequence of events necessary to make it manifest as soon as possible.
And if you physically move towards that dream, demonstrating both faith and belief, making yourself available to "accidents and coincidences," not insisting on the hows and rolling with what may come, the sequence is permitted to play itself out.
Understand, however, that since you will only perceive this sequence with your physical senses upon a linear time line, it will likely seem that much of your journey doesn't make sense, is unpredictable, or may even appear off-course.
Yeah, you're crushing it right about now -
The Universe"
Imagine life as a puzzle. You have many pieces of the puzzle laid down on the floor, looking for one particular piece. You spend a few minutes looking for that piece but you come across another one that will fit somewhere else on the puzzle. You can't be focusing on that one piece or you will never complete the puzzle. You have to accept that you will come to a point in your life where the piece of the puzzle will eventually come together and create the full image of who you are, as an individual. You have to realize that accidents and coincidences are destined to be a part of your journey and stop trying to control how things should happen or WHY they happen the way you didn't anticipate. Because of this chain reaction, you feel that your life isn't headed in the right direction, that some pieces of the puzzle are missing and that you are losing somewhat of a direction. Despite your accomplishments, you still feel lost and can't find your path in life. Guess what? The same goes for the other 7.1 billion people in this planet. Do you think the rich people found their path? Maybe money wise, they somehow found financially freedom but are lacking on spiritual freedom. They are still looking for who they are from within and are having difficulties in establishing a clear correlation between their mind, body and soul.
Why are they many rich people that are so miserable in life and some poor individuals that are the happiest people on earth? Money doesn't bring happiness, I guess we all are able to come up with this conclusion, but there is an element that the poor happy people have that the rich miserable individual can't understand or put into practice. The happy people understand how the Universe works because they came into realization that there is NO reason to try to control every outcome in your life, to try to make things perfect, trying to avoid uncertainties from happening and allowing to stress to come into their lives. You have to allow the good and the bad to happen, and not allow yourself to stress about everything. Even though your physical senses won't always agree with everything that is happening in your life, your spiritual sense have to learn to accept it and move forward.
Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC
Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach
Free Consultation: 301325-1550

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