Saturday 15 February 2020

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki Top 10 Regeln für den Erfolg (@theRealKiyosaki)

Hit A Wall

Not again. I can't believe this is happening to me. Am I ever going to catch a break? I can't trust anyone.
Sometimes you just hit a wall. Other times you are making a choice to be a victim. It is your mindset that causes the murky waters. Yes, there will be times when life isn't fair. And I never wish to minimize anyone's suffering. But we need to ask ourselves if we are causing self imposed suffering? I think we all are guilty of this at some point in our lives. But so many have the "Not Again" attitude that is draining not only them, but everyone else around them.
I see this all too often in my practice. A new client comes in and tells me all the terrible things that are happening to them. I go into support mode and begin to line up some action items to stop the suffering. Over the course of a few months, no action items have been completed, let alone attempted. There is blame being cast at every person that is left in their life. And lastly, the slowly stop showing up for their appointments. It's hard to support someone who self identifies as being a life long victim.

Friday 7 February 2020

Social Media: Are Some Of The Female Models On Social Media Deeply Insecure?

Nowadays, it is not uncommon for someone to come across a 'model' online, and there are a number of different platforms where they can be found. And while some of these models typically keep most of their closes on, there are others who typically keep most of their clothes off.
Along with this, there will be some models that do this for a living; while there will be others that don't. If a model does, they might make most of their money sharing pictures of themselves holding, or wearing, different products.
Another Way
Promoting different products is then going to be a way for them to make a fair amount of money. Some of the people who follow them may also send them money directly, even though they may get very little in return.

Eckhart Tolle author of THE POWER OF NOW explains the divine purpose of the Universe

Thursday 6 February 2020

Delayed Gratification - Waiting for the Reward

We live in a world where everything is designed to give instant results.
Drive-throughs, pre-packaged food and microwaves allow us to eat in minutes without having to invest time and energy into preparation or to wait for regular cooking times. The internet provides us with information that we might otherwise have had to research in a library or gain from interviewing an expert. We don't even have to dial full telephone numbers to reach friends or family because of speed dial. Everything is designed so that we get what we want instantly, and credit cards challenge us to "buy now and pay later" even though we will pay more for the purchased items because of interest charged.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Humour: Do Some People Use Humour As A Defence Mechanism?

There are a number of things that make life easier to handle on this planet, and being able to laugh is one of them. This ability serves a similar purpose to oil; it allows life to flow that little bit easier.
Without oil, a machine would soon end up seizing up, but while the world probably wouldn't come to a standstill without laughter, it certainly wouldn't be the same. Instead, it would be like living a life that is in black and white.
A Gloss
Being able to laugh, then, will be what gives life that bit of extra sparkle. So, let's say that someone is experiencing a fair amount of stress; they will be able to watch something that will help them to relax.

Deepak Chopra's Go-To 3-Minute Meditation To Stay Focused

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Life Begins Outside Your Comfort Zone

It was Neale Donald Walsh who quipped, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
He was drawing awareness to move out of our safety zone to experience the richness of life.
Your comfort zone is a safety net where anxiety levels and the status quo are preserved. It is your harbour of contentment.
Mankind has an inherent drive for safety, wired into his DNA to seek food, water and shelter for his survival.

"What Makes The Difference In The Quality Of People's Lives?" Tony Robbins Life-Changing Speech

Monday 3 February 2020

The Top 3 Reasons People Don't Pursue Their Dreams And What To Do About It

We all know someone who has talked about pursuing his or her dream "one day"... could that someone be you?
What stops us from pursuing our dreams? What keeps us procrastinating?
1) Not Enough Money
The number one reason we don't pursue our dreams. We need money to live day-to-day, and the cost of living in most "developed" countries is considerable. We're taught that money + possessions = success. We are encouraged to go into debt to get the things we want. We use credit to buy cars, homes, furniture, education, and vacations. It's the normal approach in our society. When we ponder pursuing our dreams, we wonder how can we afford it? Starting something new, like a business, going back to school, a career change, etc., will require money to make the change, we'll potentially stop making the money we're used to, and it will take some time to re-coup the money spent to make the change. As a result, our debt may increase, while we still have our current debt load and our day-to-day living expenses (and maybe supporting family members).

Sunday 2 February 2020

Awaken The Champion In You

A man's life does not consist in the abundance of things which he possesses but in the value of his contribution to the world, through the fulfillment of his purpose. Livelihood therefore consists in what you have but the worth of your life is measured by what you give.
Your life is the sum total of all you has been given; but how well you lived that life is shown by what you give in return. Your life is God's gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to the world.
You are endowed with special gifts, unique abilities, wonderful graces that only you possess in that special combination.

One of the Most Motivational Videos You'll Ever See | SELF DISCIPLINE

Saturday 1 February 2020

Who Do You Think You Are? What Does God Think You Are?

Am I even important? If you have ever battled with feelings of depression then it is very likely you have asked yourself this question. Though the wording may differ it is important you recognize the question of our significance in all its forms. On the contrary this is not about the question but rather the answer to the question. Can we really get to know how important we are? The answer is yes and stick with me for a few minutes and I would take you through the pages of the oldest manual for humans - the Bible. However before we tackle the issue of our importance let us outline a few characteristics of important things. Important things receive more attention for a longer time. We usually spend more time learning three-credit courses than we do with one-credit courses. Important things are more useful than unimportant things. Nobody wants to be associated with useless things. We all want to be useful or contribute to something that was useful. Important things are needed whilst unimportant things may be wanted. We may chase after money and all the nice things in life because we want them. But we need air, food and warmth to survive. They are common but that doesn't reduce their importance - you need them. When important things are created, they last for a long time. A lot of things are created, but as soon as they lose their importance they fall into oblivion and are forgotten. The important things keep on living on. The first mark of your importance is that

The New Conor McGregor Mindset | Tony Robbins