Tuesday 31 December 2019

Morning Motivation - Set Your Life Up To Win

Motivation - Starting Is the Hardest Part

Most people on this earth struggle with motivation, maybe even on a daily basis. Sometimes we just don't have the energy. Sometimes tasks seem overwhelming. Sometimes we tell ourselves that we can postpone doing the things we need to do- that they aren't necessary at the moment. Whatever our excuse, it feels SO MUCH BETTER to actually make progress with our goals. Even if it's just the tiniest bit of hedge-way, doing something ALWAYS feels better than doing nothing.

Monday 30 December 2019

Why the Rich are Getting Richer | Robert Kiyosaki | TEDxUCSD

NEVER SURRENDER - Powerful Motivational Video

The Language of Your Unconscious

When you meditate or experience hypnosis, you're more likely to hear when your unconscious speaks to you. This has to be experienced to be believed. If I list the benefits this brings to your life, there are two common reactions.
If you've never explored your own unconscious mind, you'd scoff in disbelief.
On the other hand, if you do have experience with this, you'd scoff at how incomplete my list is.
So I won't talk about the benefits you gain when you attune to your unconscious... except to say they're worth it.

Sunday 29 December 2019

The Parents Who Lost 3 Children In A Car Accident Then Had Triplets | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN

All Misfortune Is A Stepping Stone To Fortune

No matter how many setbacks you encounter in life, just consider them as part of your stepping stone to your fortune. You will realize how fulfilling it can be when you focus your mindset on the positive things that life brings instead of the problems.
People who were able to make a difference in the lives of others have legacies that last for a lifetime. They won't become what and who they were if not because of the hardships and struggles that they encountered in life. They rose from failure to failure before they succeed.
Failure can in fact be an impetus to success if we use it to our advantage. When we welcome trials as something to be learned from, we become our best version. Though it is not easy and it really stings but if we look at it in a different light, we are not wasting our valuable time because overcoming one misfortune to another will make us stronger and more determined.

Friday 27 December 2019

Richard Branson: Advice for Entrepreneurs

4 Quick Tips to Get Back In the Swing of Things When You've Lost Motivation

It has been a couple weeks since Hurricane Irma made landfall. And, while she is gone, among the many things she took from us, she took with her a lot of people's motivation.
I noticed that people are still turned upside down from the hurricane. Some, rightfully so. If you have lost a loved one or lost your home, it may take years to even begin to start getting over something like this. But in today's message, I am going to talk to those who did not lose a loved one or their homes.
I know that rebounding after an event like Irma can be hard, but we have to do it. Events of all sorts come through our lives like hurricanes at times. They sweep and stir up everything in sight and then are suddenly gone only to leave a mess we have to clean up. Relationships, a long absence from work or being down sick can turn our lives upside down and make us less motivated. There are many of these events that have and will occur in our lives, but there comes a point when you have to get back in the swing of things again.
Here are 4 Quick Tips to Get Back In the Swing of Things when You've Lost Motivation

Thursday 26 December 2019

The hard truth about making your dreams come true | Mel Robbins Live

Get Free Coaching From Celebrities and Dead People

There's a curious quirk with the human brain. It's how it's possible to navigate the social context without our heads melting.
Because think about it: in order to do just about anything, you need to predict how other people react.
But you can't simulate another brain (and maintain your own) without being orders of magnitude smarter than they are.
Somehow, you manage. Sure, it's not perfect, but you can usually predict how people will respond.
When to use flattery and when to be stern, for example.
This quirk of your unconscious mind can let you learn insights from people you've never even met.
Even people you could never meet.
The funny thing is that it even works with fictional characters.

Wednesday 25 December 2019

This One Brain Hack Backed By Science Will Change Your Life. Here's How.

Everything Happens For A Reason, Or, Does It?

I disagree with the concept that everything happens for a reason. I think that everything just happens and we give it meaning by our response to what happens.
The river flows with fresh water. We give it meaning by taking a bucket and collecting the water to drink, otherwise, if we let it flow without taking action, it becomes salt water when it reaches the ocean and becomes undrinkable. It no longer has meaning as the fresh water turns to salt.
Things are always just happening. We give it reason by how we respond to it and the manner in which we respond.
It is not a common thing for people to say that everything happens for a reason. That is because there are so many things happening every moment that we could give reason to, which could have tremendous value, but we ignore and just let blow by like a leaf in the wind.

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Sometimes You Just Gotta Get Off It

Have you ever gotten a whirlwind of negative thoughts about something important to you? Yeah, me too. What's even more disheartening is when you know you're doing it and you can't get your mind in a good place about the topic.
You start trying every trick you know to think positive about the subject. For example, if you're stressed out about getting clients, you may say to yourself, "Don't worry. The money will come. I'm a millionaire. I appreciate money."
Nothing happens. You're still stressed about money.
Next you watch a Byron Katie or Michael Beckwith video about money. That doesn't help either.
In coaching lingo, we call this process "being hooked." It's like having a hook through your mouth and being reeled into more negative thoughts. I experience this feeling as temporary insanity. I pray, "Can someone just take my brain away from me so I can relax for a moment?!"
You're so emotionally charged about the topic, there is only one thing left to do. Get off it! The topic, that is. Stop trying to get to the positive feelings until you feel better in general.
This requires a whole switch in your focus. In these moments, I usually go for something that will capture my attention fully. For instance, a walk would give me more time to think... and that can be dangerous.
What works better for me is to go answer some emails, watch Netflix, listen to an Abraham-Hicks CD, make an entry in my appreciation journal, or go shopping. You have to go for full-on distraction. This will create a softer focus on the topic you were scaring yourself about.
I like to remind myself that everything always works out, and this, too, shall pass. By the way, it is sooooooo okay that you got tripped up... or should I say "tripped out"? Happens to all of us. I consider myself a conscious thinker, and I can go down the emotional sewer as fast as the best of them!
When you soften your focus on a highly charged subject, you can actually open to receive the solution... or inspiration will hit with the perfect action to take. This is better known as the "allowing" mode. You have to create some breathing room for the Universe to do what it does best.
Things will always work out in the end. So just get off it and enjoy!
You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who makes it effortless and exciting for conscious entrepreneurs to attract all the clients they want without doing more, working more, or marketing more. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: http://masterpeacecoaching.com/freecd2

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9805716

Monday 23 December 2019

The Shocking Truth About Your Future! | Robert Kiyosaki

Why We Treat Strangers Better Than We Treat Our Loved Ones

We shouldn't treat our loved ones less kindly than we do with strangers. However, this what we often do. We need to try to improve our tolerance with our loved ones' idiosyncrasies, so that we won't regret about how we treated them.
But don't do this because you need to recharge your tolerance for the things about your loved ones that annoy you. Do this to acquire a new perspective. Get out into the world and try to appreciate the good in your loved ones to have a balance view of the things that frustrate you about them.

Sunday 22 December 2019


6 Health Benefits of Meditation

For hundreds of years, meditation has been used around the world as an effective way to deal with a lot of psychological issues and achieve relaxation. During the olden times, the Himalayan monks used meditation and discovered loads of benefits that it offers. Nowadays, more and more people are turning to this technique for spiritual purposes. Let's take a look at some major benefits offered by this spiritual approach.
1. Management of Anxiety and Depression
According to many studies, meditation can help you deal with many issues, such as depression and anxiety. In a study involving more than 3500 participants, the researchers concluded that the technique was helpful in improving the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
2. Strengthened Immunity
Another study proved that breast cancer could be avoided if muscle relaxation exercises are done on a regular basis. One study done on patients over the age of 50 showed that these techniques can help trigger the lymphocytes that can make your immune system stronger. As a result, the body becomes stronger against tumors and viruses.
3. Management of Blood Pressure
If you practice meditation, you can reduce your likelihood of suffering from high blood pressure. A report released by the British Medical Journal showed that patients that mediated on a regular basis had normal blood pressure levels. The experts believe that this practice can make your body less responsive to many stress hormones including cortisol.
4. Achievement of Emotional Wellness
If you went through a tortured past, you may not be in a healthy emotional state. Fortunately, meditating on a regular basis can help you achieve your emotional balance. As a matter of fact, your health and emotional balance are linked with each other. If you are not in good emotional health, you won't be able to do your best whether it's your routine house work or office work.
5. Relief from IBS
IBS is short for the Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This disorder is one of the most common bowel disorders. Patients who have IBS show many symptoms, such as weird bowel behavior, cramps, abdominal pain and bloating, just to name a few.
It's interesting to note that around 15% of men and women around the world have this disorder. In the United States alone, there are around 45 million people who live with this health disorder.
With routine relaxation techniques, It's possible to reduce the symptom of IBS and lead a peaceful life.
6. Happiness and Overall Wellbeing
Maria Camara PhD, a psychotherapist, says that meditation can help you get in touch with your actual inner qualities. You can reach your true potential if you accept who you really are. Plus, this practice can help you work with your thoughts. So, we can say that mindfulness is associated with happiness and peace of mind. Without peace of mind, you can't achieve anything in life. In fact, if you don't have peace in your life, you can't maintain your good health either.
In short, if you want to enjoy all these benefits, we suggest that you start your meditation practice from today. There are many techniques that you can give a go to in the beginning.
If you are looking for help with your mediation practice, we suggest that you try out Omharmonics and Holosync.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9963410

Saturday 21 December 2019

One Life, No Regrets

Shift Your Perspective

How do you see yourself? As a hero or a victim? In any given life circumstance, you can see yourself either way.
I recently moved into my new home. As is often the case with a "new" home, that is to say new to me, although built in the mid 1960s, it has what is euphemistically referred to as a few "issues." As in, I was scheduled to leave town for work first thing Friday morning, and Wednesday night, both toilets in my house ceased to function. This mattered greatly, as the puppy-sitter who was booked to take care of my beloved dogs in my absence could not be expected to stay over-night without a functioning toilet, and it being a Holiday weekend, I would not be able to find a place to board them last-minute.
Hero or victim? First thought, victim! Of all the times for the toilets to fail, and not one, but both toilets! After frantic calls to plumbers not returning my call (more "victim"), worrying myself sick over "Now, what?! This is a disaster!"(yet more "victim") I took myself in hand, and gave myself a talking-to.
As in, "who would you like to be, Noelle?" A whiny victim, or a successful hero? Good question! Because, you see, I know from long experience, that a hero is simply someone who refuses to see a problem as unsolvable, and forges on until some kind of solution is unearthed. Sometimes that means being Captain Marvel and saving the world, sometimes it's just me figuring out a toilet situation.
Once I shifted my perspective, it dawned on me to contact the repair person who'd fixed some odds and ends; maybe he'd know a willing plumber. To my surprise, he turned out to be the willing plumber. Plus, he was up for a crack-of-dawn visit to the local home improvement center, purchasing two new guaranteed fully-functioning toilets--at a reasonable price, no less-- and installing them, all before I had to leave Friday morning. Whew.
Had I stuck with my "Woe is me, life is so unfair" position, I would not have continued trying to come up with a solution. It was only when I told myself that somehow I'd get this handled that the idea came to me to contact the repair person.
Next time you are up against what could easily be defined as a victim situation, challenge yourself to find your inner hero. You'll be surprised at just how innovative they (you) are.
Noelle C. Nelson, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, consultant, popular speaker in the U.S. and abroad, and author of over a dozen best-selling books. Dr. Nelson focuses on how we can all enjoy happy, fulfilling lives while accomplishing great things in love, at home and at work, as we appreciate ourselves, our world and all others. She is the author of "Happy Healthy... Dead: Why What You Think You Know About Aging Is Wrong and How To Get It Right" (MindLab Publishing). Visit http://www.noellenelson.comhttps://www.facebook.com/MeetTheAmazings.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10114470

Friday 20 December 2019

60 Minutes To Getting Rich Robert Kiyosaki

How Action Reduces Fear

Action reduces fear, so act.
Truth be told, this neat little quote isn't my own. It's one that I came upon while reading a summary of David Schwartz' classic "The Magic of Thinking Big". But it stuck with me.
For someone plagued by low confidence and self-esteem, the idea that action reduces fear could very well seem counter-intuitive. Because often, it's when we need to take action on something - especially something important - that fear arises.
There's the fear that we'll mess something up, and that, as a result, people will judge us and ridicule us. But there's also the fear that we might successfully carry through with our endeavor and advance to a higher level. - We'd have expectations coming at us from all sides! And responsibilities!
Whether it's one or both, or some other fear, fear associated with taking action is definitely real. So, why would anyone claim that action reduces fear?
To find the answer, take a moment to think about another topic that seems to cause non-fidents a lot of pain: Over-thinking.
We've all been there. Stuck with a seemingly unsolvable choice, entirely unable to weigh out the pros and cons. Or, having done just that, unable to make a decision because either option seems just as good - or bad - as the other.
No-one's exactly a fan, that's for sure. But still, as it is said in the personal coaching world, there's always a pay-off.
You see, over-thinking is, deep down, a defense mechanism. When we over-think something, it's because of exactly those aforementioned fears.
No-one likes over-thinking. But it still feels way less uncomfortable than having to make a tough decision or do something that makes you feel exposed and put on the line.
Over-thinking, then, is the antithesis to the action that it prevents. The two cannot co-exist. It's either one, or the other.
Sometimes, the over-thinking wins, and we end up doing nothing at all. That's when we really give in to our doubts and fears.
And so, it's when we stop thinking and just do it that action reduces fear.
Action reduces fear, because when we act, we only do it because we've sufficiently silenced that fearsome part of our brains telling us to abort and run away. Like I said, the two cannot co-exist.
"But doesn't that mean that I'd have to compromise my thinking if I want to get things done? What if I, like, really treasure my thinking?"
Sounds like a defense mechanism to me.
No, seriously, it does. But I DO get where you're coming from. I was there.
The thing is, thinking isn't necessarily good for us altogether. Thinking isn't a means to an end. We have more thoughts every day than can be measured, and that's not exactly beneficial.
On the contrary, many a study have been done on how meditation helps us by training us to simply observe our thoughts and stay focused on the ones that matter, rather than blowing the insignificant ones out of proportion.*
Also, after we've done whatever frightening actions we're doing, we can evaluate ourselves and get better at it the next time. And, of course, we want to start out by taking babysteps. This goes for whatever we're doing. Some people even get help from a confidence coach. (Something I obviously highly recommend doing.)
Bottom line: If you're feeling anxious about doing something, it probably means it's important, and you should do it. And really, there are lots of ways to go about your challenges safely and securely. But only the action reduces fear. And, as another quote from the initially mentioned summary goes: Nothing happens just by thinking.
Yes, it's scary. Do it anyway.
As a confidence coach, Andy Kay helps people who are held back -- by fear, overwhelm, anxiety, indecisiveness, anything. After years studying confident, successful people, he knows what works and what doesn't. He doesn't tolerate "spiritual" BS about "higher powers" and "purposes". -- We have access to all the power we need to achieve our own purposes; period. Visit https://www.getconfidencecoaching.com and get confidence and empowerment for free!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9823695

Thursday 19 December 2019

How to stop screwing yourself over | Mel Robbins | TEDxSF

A Different Style of Leadership, Living and Learning

Shamanism is a broad term. It describes religions from Australia to America and everywhere in between. These religions are incredibly diverse, each with its own unique rituals and cultural elements.
They have a lot in common, too. The spiritual leaders have deep connections to nature, their community and themselves.
These people live off the land without much technology. If they have a problem, they need to solve it. They need to make sense of a vast, confusing and challenging world.
It takes a lot of strength to survive without civilisation. Having technology - whether that's spears or something more advanced - isn't enough. Being able to communicate, strategise and plan isn't enough.
You need to learn to think like nature.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Billionaire Dan Pena's Ultimate Advice for Students & Young People - HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE

Why You Don't Hate Anyone and You Never Have

I've been dabbling in metta meditation recently. I haven't changed my opinion - also known as lovingkindness meditation, it remains one of the finest things you can do with your mind. The results you can get in just a few weeks are indescribable.
If you did nothing else - no self-hypnosis, no other meditation - you'd become a happier, healthier, amazing person in a few months.
I should know. After a recent revelation with it, I've felt pretty amazing.

Tuesday 17 December 2019

The Millionaire Mindset | T Harv Eker

Making Good Choices

Daily, our choices make us who we are. What, where and who we are is the sum of all those choices added together to right now. Now is such an important concept. Now is the only time that you have the chance to go out and get exactly what you are looking to achieve. There is no promise of tomorrow. To do this you must realize you have everything you need right now. Stop waiting for that something to happen because it never will until you make it happen.
Goals are meant to be achieved. This fruit that we bear because someone has dreamt. The way to achieve the goal is by going after the challenges. Decide that you are going to start today. The best way to do this is to build your mind. The best way to build your mind is to learn. Books, mentors, seminars, conferences and everyday life has a beautiful offering of ways to learn.
We are all given challenges. Those challenges are meant to be overcome. Know in your heart of hearts that you can achieve. These obstacles are the hard parts of life that become beautiful memories. Even in death. Think to someone you knew. When you think of them bring to the surface the great memories you have of them. Know those people that have come before wanting us to move forward in the best fashion. That means to live your life fully no matter what. Do not let their passing go unnoticed. You are perfect to know the lesson those people wanted to share with the world. Share their message.
Our actions will prove what direction that we want to go. Act. Think. Act again. Be the best that you can be. There are no more excuses to be sitting around. Are people calling you insane by your actions? Then you aren't succeeding unless that answer is yes. I enjoy acting. You will enjoy acting. We must put in the work together to become the person we know is inside.
Your dreams? Do you have dreams? Guess what? That dream is yours. Stop coming up with excuses. Write that book. Make that music. Build that company. Network until you make it happen. Invest everything you must become the person you want to become. Time, money and effort are only human thoughts. Do what you must to make your dream come into this life and humanity will thank you for it.
If you enjoyed this article you may also enjoy my books. Here is a link to my Amazon author page - http://amzn.to/2hjcUvR

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9825603

Sunday 15 December 2019

How to Get Anything You Want in Life - Grant Cardone

Ambiton - A Passion That Motivates

Life is a competition - a daring adventure, and success usually comes to those who are ambitious. Ambition is a deep desire for achievement, and is propelled by an internal drive to fulfill one's dreams.
"Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude for achieving his goals; nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong attitude," says Thomas Jefferson.
Without ambition life is as insipid as a dish without salt and spices. No matter how intelligent and talented a person is, he will not be able to achieve much without ambition. Ambition gives us a purpose in life and helps to escape mediocrity. It envisages no short cuts. Sacrifices will have to be made and oppositions overcome. But nothing can compare with the joy of achieving one's goal.

Saturday 14 December 2019

Tony Robbins' TED Talk

My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic

There's a Secret to Getting Yourself to Meditate

As a meditation teacher, I've heard countless students share their excuses for why they didn't meditate in the past week. They wanted to. They know it would be good for them. They just didn't do it. At least, not consistently.
Something always seems to get in the way: they need more sleep, the dog needs to be walked, the kids are up, they had to work late or had an early meeting, they felt too anxious, worried, or irritable... Meditation just didn't seem as important as other things they had to do. Yet, all those things they did didn't give them the peace of mind they desired.
Of course, meditation is about changing your relationship with all the events, worries, and anxieties in your life. It's a daily ritual-like eating, sleeping, and brushing your teeth-that creates a more relaxed, healthy, meaningful, and intentional way of living. It's a powerful practice to realize the deep peace of mind we all desire. So, what's the secret to moving from excuses to practice?
The answer is: you've got to have a strong "Why?"
Where do you find your Why?
The answer may surprise you.

Thursday 12 December 2019

Les Brown - You've gotta be hungry - motivation (to Interstellar soundtrack)

Notice What You've Chosen And Simply Choose Again

Sometimes I Wish I Knew Better
Think about a recent mistake and consider how things could have turned out differently for you. Whilst hindsight is a wonderful faculty, it can often make us feel guilt and remorseful for our actions. I want to reassure you that every choice we make is made with the awareness and level of consciousness available to us at the time. However, this does not excuse us from repeating the same mistakes. We are the product of our thinking and until we expand our consciousness, we are bound to repeat our mistakes. That's where hindsight works to our advantage. With a new level of awareness, we can look forward to the future knowing we are not constrained by our mistakes but learn to make better decisions based on the past.
Many people make mistakes they regret. How about you? Are you still holding on to regret from the past or have you made peace with them? I realise it is difficult to let go of the past. But, we can take comfort knowing we did our best at the time and hopefully we won't repeat the same mistakes. This is why we mustn't punish ourselves but notice what we've chosen and simply choose again; this time more wisely. This is the advice echoed by Dr. Alex Lickerman who writes in The Undefeated Mind: On the Science of Constructing an Indestructible Self: "But we needn't waste time in recriminations or in wishing we could go back in time to change what happened. We can turn that hurt or regret into a catalyst for personal growth, into motivation for examining the reasons we made the choice in the first place and for asking ourselves how we might change to avoid making the same mistake again." I've made countless mistakes in my 20s about my health and career choices. Sometimes I wish I knew better, however I didn't have the awareness as I do now and was choosing to the best of my ability. In a recent conversation with a coaching client, she complimented me on my wisdom to help her overcome her challenges. As I considered the compliment, it reminded me of the countless mistakes I made over the years. In fact, gaining wisdom has little to do with the books I read, the courses attended or the people I surround myself with. Whilst they are important, it was the numerous mistakes I made, and the lessons gained that cultivated good judgement.

Tuesday 10 December 2019

CONSISTENCY - Powerful Motivational Video

How to Forget to Crave Junk Food

Here's a nice side effect for you. Imagine you're reorganising your thoughts from the ground up. You are releasing old emotions and scars from your childhood. You're calmer, more focused and less rattled by nonsense. Energy - real energy, not caffeine adrenaline shakes - fills your entire body.
Nothing feels the same. Even boring, familiar things like queuing seem so much more interesting.
After a few days of enjoying this, you notice something intriguing:
Your cravings are gone. Or at least so small you can easily ignore them.
Whatever you vice - whether it's food, booze, smokes or whatever - it's less appealing. You're so focused on your new mental reality you barely noticed.
People would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for that. You can stumble upon it as a free bonus.
This doesn't happen to everyone, it's true. But, if you meditate well enough... well, I like your odds.
Mindfulness is a key skill but you need to go beyond it. The best meditators incorporate mindfulness into every moment. But, unlike what others will tell you, there's more to meditation than observing your breath.
When you work with your mind - and I mean really work with it - useless thoughts fall away and you become more you.
Imagine everything you could be without everything holding you back.
Then imagine you became that while on the road to something greater.
It's not all unicorns and fairy floss, though. When it comes to your mind, nothing ever truly goes away. Some meditators replace one addiction with another. Many a brave soul has fallen off the path when they start craving sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll.

Monday 9 December 2019

The Goals You Set Are Not Promises But Commitments Towards Achievement

We Ought To Remain Open To Where Life Is Leading Us
There are no assurances of accomplishing our goals since they're not promises but a commitment towards achieving them. How does this idea appeal to you? You may well achieve your goals, however if you're unaware of your motives, it will have little bearing on your long-term happiness. As you know, setting goals is easy but staying committed to them when the going gets tough is another story. No doubt goal attainment is important to you, though success is seldom assured because circumstances change which may cause our goals to shift.
Can you identify with this where a goal you set changed along the way? I've coached countless individuals regarding their goals. To my knowledge, once they embarked upon the goal, the path to achieving it changed. It's not that the goal lost its power, rather they developed a greater insight on what they wanted to achieve along the way. Allow me to illustrate via personal example. Long ago when I started out, I aspired to be an internationally renowned speaker traveling the world giving keynote speeches. I had undertaken speaker training with various coaches and was speaking regularly to corporate companies and running public seminars and workshops. However, there came a point where I no longer felt as passionate about speaking as I once did. Instead I turned to writing more which had a greater impact on my message. I hired writing coaches and mentors to improve my writing and the more I ventured down this path, the more passionate I became. I published three books with internationally acclaimed authors writing the forewords. My point is, the process of achieving our goals will change and we ought to remain open to where life is leading us.
Can you identify with this story in your own life? Have you set out to achieve a goal and have it change along the way? If you accomplished it, was it better than your original goal? It's often said achieving our goals isn't as rewarding as the person we become. I can attest to the personal growth I experienced over the years and the lessons that pushed me out of my comfort zone and developed my strength of character. Setbacks and defeat have shaped my outlook, though there were times I considered giving up because I lost all hope. There was no money coming in and clients were cancelling, yet I remained committed because I believed in what I was doing. We don't know what we're capable of achieving when pursuing a goal, irrespective of how difficult it may be. In those times, our greatest growth will occur because we realise things aren't as bad as they seem.

Saturday 7 December 2019

Tony Robbins Tips On Changing The Way You Feel

Dream - Motivational Video

Renew Your Spirit This Year

While many people set concrete goals like losing weight, saving money or traveling as part of their New Year's resolutions, I would like to invite you to consider renewing your spirit instead this year. The noble practice of tending to your inner spiritual light and cultivating a sense of peace in your heart may not seem so inviting, but the payoffs are tremendous! When we shift the focus from how we look on the outside to how we feel on the inside, great rewards can be gained and new insights achieved. Our soul is calling us home to true selves, if we take the time to listen.
Essentially, by renewing your spirit through regular daily meditation, you will avail yourself of a reservoir of peace and contentment that surpasses all material gains and desires. Additionally, you can learn to let the peace you feel in meditation ground and support you in your daily life and thus offer a more relaxed and calm approach to situations. Imagine sitting quietly, starting each day with full deep breaths, breathing deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth while focusing on relaxing every fiber of your being. After a time of following this soothing breath, you could then concentrate on breathing in the feeling of peace and breathing out any residual stress or worries. Once an inner stillness is felt, you could then sit and bask in this serenity, while enjoying the sense of being fully in the present moment, with nowhere to go and nothing to do. After this period of quietude, you can then use this powerful energy of inner tranquility to guide you and empower you with the greatest vision of your life.
Some of the greatest authors, artists and musicians have received their inspiration through quiet contemplative times. You too can receive inspiration for your life when you learn to tune in to the inner stillness of your soul. When you are calm and focused, your spirit can then use you as a vehicle for the expression of love, peace and creativity in this world. Answers to problems you face in your day to day life can be revealed through deep listening. Stress, struggle and worry tend to disconnect us from our true nature and our inner guidance. When unduly stressed, our physical vitality may become weak, sleep may be difficult and sickness can set in. Meditation brings us back home to ourselves, to our life force and to our innate self- healing power.

Friday 6 December 2019

NO EXCUSES - Best Motivational Video

Discomfort Is Comfortable

If you want to see how soft people are getting, have a look at how they respond to cold. I wrote this in London a few days ago. What was the weather like? I'm not going to pretend it was tropical - it was darn chilly. But based on how people dressed, you'd think they were in a blizzard.
Instead, it was a brisk five degrees Celsius (or 40 degrees Fahrenheit).
Let me tell you - I got the strangest looks riding the Underground in a T-shirt.
And I read somewhere the average London home in winter is six degrees warmer now than in the 1970s.
I don't mean to be bagging on London. It's a great city full of great people.
And I'm definitely not saying us Aussies are tougher with anything, let alone the cold.
My point is this:
I travelled from a northern Australian summer to a grey London winter. The temperature shock could have broken me. If anyone had an excuse to rug up in ski gear, it was me.
Instead, I took cold showers.
After one of those, even London feels comfortable.
I'm not saying I was always at ease. I shivered, hugged myself and cursed the icy breezes.
But I was a whole lot comfier than if I'd kept myself warm the whole time.
Discomfort trains you to handle discomfort.
Comfort doesn't.

Thursday 5 December 2019

Harv Eker - The 8 Millionaire Blocks

Tips to Meditate Effectively and Focus Better

There are times in life when you feel not very positive about life, doubt your decisions and seem confused about future. For people who do not catch themselves in earlier times end up in long-term effects like anxiety, depression, back-pain and other physical issues. Guidance then takes longer to reach them and better living seems rubbish or impossible from their perspective.
Any negative thought or negative emotion is an indicator that you have lost your connection. The earlier you realize and reconnect, better it is for you. We all are connected to each other through consciousness/energy/God or any other name you wish to call it. This connection is important for the survival. Sometimes when we observe something or experience some kind of loss, the connection is thinned out for sometime and generally gets reconnected when things/thoughts/emotions change.
Meditation is one of the ways of reconnecting and making the connection stronger. When you are connected, you feel energized, enthusiastic for life, feel love for others and overall you are a positive person. You can understand others situation and are willing to help. More connected you stay better your personality becomes. Meditating every day is one of the best practices of successful people. But is meditation possible in this age?
Meditation can be as short as 2 minutes and can be longer than 2 hours. Given below are few tips that can be helpful.

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Tony Robbins: How to Become More Disciplined (MUST WATCH)

"Sie werden nie wieder arm sein" | FANG HEUTE AN, DAS ZU TUN !!!

Living With a Clear Consciousness

How often do your action, reactions and emotions surprise you?
If not often, there are two possibilities. The first is you're an enlightened one who spend decades in meditation, tracing the counters of your own thinking.
The second?
You're not as introspective as you think.
"Of course I got angry when that bus driver smirked at me. That was natural, who wouldn't?"
A lot of people wouldn't. Including you, had circumstances been slightly different. So why did you react this way to this situation, when other times you wouldn't?
Your consciousness is opaque to you. That's because the vast majority of your mental experience happens outside your awareness. You carry lessons from your childhood that you've long since forgotten, even as they control your actions.
That's why travel broadens your mind. You see how other cultures act and it shines a light onto your programming. Onto things you took for granted - things you assumed were common sense.
It's an excellent start.
But you are more than just your culture.
So much more.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

It's Not OVER Until You Win! Your Dream is Possible - Les Brown

Importance of Taking Risk in Life

Is life devoid of risk? Surely not! Our lives are full of risks of all shapes and sizes. When we go on road we risk getting hit by a vehicle; when we take an examination we risk failing; and when we start a business we risk losing the capital. In fact life is full of risks. Should we completely stop taking any risk? It's like asking should we stop living. Stop giving too much thought to risks.
It's part of the human nature to avoid taking a risk. However, if you dream big then you must be ready to take chances. The human history is full of examples when people took huge risks and got incredible success. If you want to achieve great success then you must be taking big risks too. There is no big gain without big risks. The richest people in the world are mostly businessmen. They take huge risks in starting their ventures. Statistically most businesses fail. However, when a business venture becomes a success it generates a huge amount of money for its owners. Most of us have to fight against the odds and risk big things in order to gain any success.
Not only average people, but even fairly successful ones have to take risks to achieve a bigger success. The world famous animation filmmaker Walt Disney had to put all his money in his dream project Disney World. He also took huge amounts of loan to build the tourist attraction based in Florida in the US. The risk paid him off well and today more than 5 crore people visit Disney World annually, making it one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. He was lucky that he achieved success with the venture. It could have gone the other way and he could have lost all he had earned in his life.
The film industry is full of examples of filmmakers putting all money in a venture and losing big time. The legendary filmmaker Guru Dutt was broke after his film Kaagaz Ke Phool bombed at the box office, while another famous director Raj Kapoor suffered heavy losses when his dream project Mera Naam Joker was a commercial failure. Both were successful filmmakers of their era but lost money in those ventures. However what made them winners was that they kept taking further risks and both made lots of money in their next ventures, Chaudhvin Ka Chand and Bobby respectively.
Several times you have to take risk to get a bigger success even if you are quite comfortable in your life. Rajkumar Hirani was a successful advertisement film maker, running his own advertising studio before 2003. However he wanted to make his mark in the Hindi film industry and took the risk by refusing to take new advertisement projects to focus on his film venture. He kept writing script of a new film while his advertisement film career was going down as a result. It was a risk because he could not have found any producer for his film and there was no guarantee that the film would become a success at the box office, ensuring further work for him. Still, Hirani took the gamble. He looked for a film producer once the script was ready. Luckily he got a producer and his film became a critical and commercial success on its release. The title of the film was Munnabhai M. B. B. S.

Monday 2 December 2019

In 1993, Deepak Chopra Showed Oprah the Power of Her Mind | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN

How To Have Healthy Relationships

Most of the times we are surrounded by family, relatives and friends. If our relationship with them is not nice we have a recipe for unhappiness. Strained relationships can cause stress. If you are facing stress then you will not be able to focus on your goals. Sorting out differences with relatives and friends is important for making sure that we have no distractions on our path to success.
Our relationships with our spouses can define our happiness in life. In a country like India where divorce is still a taboo, finding a good life partner is very important. Once you get married to a person you are under pressure to maintain a good relationship with the person even if you dislike him or her.
Ego clashes are often reasons behind strained relationships. The reality is that it's not easy to keep your ego in check. If you want to be happy and satisfied in life then you should make some efforts to sort out your relationships with your spouse, family, relatives and friends. You can also learn to give proper personal space to people so that they are comfortable living with you.
You need to communicate frequently with people to avoid any kind of misunderstanding. Bitching about people should be avoided at all costs. It's a better strategy to just talk to the people if you have any issues with them, instead of gossiping behind their back.
There should be regular interaction for a healthy relationship. Many times we are short of time and neglect a relationship. Many relationships become emotional desert land after lack of communication for a long period of time. It's often seen that many relationships go sour simply because people don't interact much. Misunderstanding is also caused by lack of communications.
Many times people tell half-truths to others in an attempt to show themselves in a better light. It can damage a relationship. If you love bitching about a person in absence of him then you are inviting a trouble in the relationship. It will only damage your reputation. Backbiting and gossiping will erode trust of people in you. Don't talk negatively about a person, especially when he is not present there.
Honesty is the best policy in relationships. If you are used to telling lies to people then you will soon find it tough to tell more lies. You will end up finding yourself in a trouble as your lies will be exposed one day and you will lose face.
If you love a person you should not let ego come between you and the person. There is no space for ego in any good relationship. Many times there is a misunderstanding between you and a person, and you don't want to take the first step to clear the misunderstanding due to your ego. It will ultimately hurt and weaken your relationships.
If you have a serious issue with views of a person then you may agree to disagree to save the relationship. If you are not able to adjust to disagreements then it many cause a rift in the relationship. It's better if you just adjust a bit or avoid the topic. We humans are not alike. We all have our own preferences, like and dislikes. So, don't expect everyone to be like us. We should learn to respect our differences.
Many times we judge people and let others know what we feel about that person. It's not fair. To have good relationships with people don't be judgmental. You must accept people the way they are. After all you also want people to accept you the way you are.
No one is perfect. We all have merits and demerits. We should focus on good things in a person. We should ignore demerits, unless they're serious. I don't mean that we should accept a killer or a looter. All I mean is that we should forget and forgive small mistakes and drawbacks of people. We all humans are imperfect animals. We have bad habits like gossiping, passing judgement and backbiting. If we see others displaying these characteristics we should forgive them as these habits come natural to most people.
Many times relationships are damaged if you become too possessive. Learn to give a personal space to your friend, spouse or relatives. They are also humans and they deserve personal space the way we need it. Being possessive can be harmful for a relationship.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9765288

Sunday 1 December 2019

Tony Robbins - 30 years of stuttering, cured in 7 minutes!

How To Enhance Self Confidence

We underestimate the power of confidence. It's true that we feel confidence in only those activities in which we are good and feel comfortable. However, the reality is that just by feeling confidence we are able to perform better in any activity as a high level of confidence improves our performance. People who possess a high level of confidence are able to do any activity quite well. We should keep in mind that it's not natural for us to feel confidence in all kinds of activities. By nature only a level of competence and comfort can make us feel confident in a certain activity. If you are completely unaware about the activity then you will not feel confidence. However, some people are always confident than others. Those people will surprise you with their level of confidence.
Confident people are able to learn a new activity faster than those lacking self-confidence. Learning a new activity quicker is a sign of higher level of intelligence. It's generally seen that intelligent people also possess a higher level of confidence. However, we all can increase our level of confidence by just making extra efforts in an activity we want to excel. Even if you don't possess a higher level of confidence you may work harder towards you goals and in the process you will gain more confidence.
The first step to have self-confidence is to love yourself. We must realize that we all have imperfections as we are humans. However, it doesn't mean that we stop loving ourselves due to small reasons.
Most people make an opinion about us without even talking to us. They make a judgment about us based on how we look. In our appearance our clothes matter the most. So, be dressed for the occasion. If you are dressed well then people will take note of you and will give you more importance. When people treat you well you will feel better about yourself, resulting in more self-confidence.
If you stand and sit with the right posture then you will feel confident, besides making good impression on people. The way you walk and sit has a great impact on onlookers. They judge you by looking at your posture. Don't send wrong vibes to people by looking nervous. Look confident and suddenly you will feel confident.
If you feel lucky for whatever you have in your life then you will feel good. This will make you feel confident about yourself. On the other hand, if you keep complaining about things you don't have in life then it will make you feel miserable, resulting in loss of self-confidence.
You should celebrate every success of your life. If you feel that you have nothing to celebrate, just look at life with a calm mind. You will realize you must have done many things that would make you feel happy and proud. Those are your successes that need to be celebrated.
Working out is a great way to feel confident. When we exercise endorphin releases in our brains which makes us feel good. It also helps us live a longer life.
Working out not only makes us feel good but also makes us physically and mentally fit, thus leading to a better life. A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. So, take care of your body. It will also make your mind more alert and sharp.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9765273

Saturday 30 November 2019

A Habit You Simply MUST Develop

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness is not just a way of thinking about others and their state of mind, but it can also be used a form of meditation. Using Mindfulness Meditation allows you to focus on the moment, becoming aware of your senses and what you are feeling right then and there. When you are able to focus just on that particular moment, there is no need to try to interpret things or make judgments about how you feel.
You are simply present.
If you have ever studied Eckhart Tolle or other spiritual teachers, you realize that the present moment is all that actually exists. The past no longer exists, and the future has not yet come. So focusing, being mindful, of the moment, can help you relax and eliminate stress.
Think about all the time we spend planning for, or worrying about the future, thinking negative thoughts about the past, worrying about all the things we need to do - pick up the kids from school, make dinner tonight, pay the bills, etc. All those things are draining and can even be exhausting. When you are able to be mindful, you are able to put those things away, and focus your attention on the present moment, which reduces your stress and anxiety. Mindfulness meditation can be very powerful!
For years, spiritual teachers and their students have been practicing meditation, and espousing its benefits. Now, thanks to advances in modern science and medicine, there are actually many clinical trials that scientifically back up these claims. It is amazing that for hundreds of years people have known that meditation works, but there is always a certain percentage of the population that needs to know how and why before they will believe it.
There are so many studies now that provide empirical data as to the how and why of meditation, and its effects on the body and brain. Those studies are so diverse that they need to be in a separate article on their own. But suffice to say that the overall evidence of these studies show that meditation is effective for reducing stress, anxiety, pain, depression, and even a host of "medical" conditions and disease.
There is probably no such thing as too much meditation, especially if you are struggling with any of the issues previously mentioned. Studies have shown that there are certain times of day when meditation may be more effective than others. Those times are when the brain is emitting certain waves that enable it to be more receptive to suggestion and meditation. Books have been written on that topic alone, but for our purposes, for most people that time is before you go to bed, or right when you wake up in the morning. During those times your brain is emitting the proper waves and producing the proper chemical to allow the mist benefits from meditation. But as Dr. Joe Dispenza says, "There is no such thing as a bad meditation."
The best way to develop your mindfulness meditation routine is to practice, practice, practice. Do so, and you may be truly amazed with the results.

If you want to live life to the fullest, then http://www.divineconnectionsbyroxy.com can help! Roxanna Teeling is a Relationship Coach specializing in individuals, couples, and relationship issues. She not only has two mental health master's degrees and two undergraduate mental health degrees, but she is also a Certified Relationship Coach from the Tony Robbins/Claire Madanes training institute. Roxanna strives to help you address and improve the concerns you have individually, with families or as a couple, by implementing techniques that fit your goals and values. Visit http://www.divineconnectionsbyroxy.com for more!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10175416

How To Stop Delaying, Taking Action

Many people have the habit of delaying things indefinitely. They make plans and then lack the willpower to start working on them immediately. They think that they have indefinite amount of time on their hands. Soon, things change for the worse and they realize they are left with no option but to drop the plan. Most of us don't start working on a plan not because the time is not right but because we lack the willpower.
Many times we keep waiting for the right time to start a work and miss the opportunity in the process. If you hesitate some other person will come and grab the opportunity, and you will be left repenting your procrastination.
Make a to-do list
One way to stop procrastinating is to make a list of work to be done. It will help you make your mind about important work to be done. When you make a list of work to be done then your mind becomes clear and it becomes easy for you do to the work. It also makes it easy for you to prioritize your work.
Do difficult work first
When you have prepared a list of work to be done then you should start working on a difficult task first. Since tough work require more energy, work on that first so that when your energy level is down you have less difficult work to do.
Many times we keep postponing difficult work to a later stage and it makes us feel stressed. Don't do that.
Focus on end result
One way to stop procrastinating is to focus on the end result of your work. If you just focus on the number of tasks to be done then you will feel stressed. On the other hand, if you focus on the end result you will feel energized to do the work faster.
The human history is a witness that great events take place when people are moved by visualizing great results in their minds. Thinking about positive results will keep you motivated and will push you to take action.
Remove distractions
If you want to stop procrastinating then you should remove all kinds of distractions from your surroundings. Many times we are distracted by objects and useless tasks that take away our attention. It's bad for your work. If you want to do good work then you should focus on important tasks by removing your attention away from less important things.
KV Gautam is a business trainer based in New Delhi, India.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9757503

Friday 29 November 2019

How to Take Charge of Your Life - Jim Rohn Personal Development

Thoughts Are Machines

Mankind has invested in machines for many centuries. From the first labor-saving device to what has become artificial intelligence. The world is run by machines and we have given our power away to them. Proof of this statement is evident in the dependency of which we have on our computers and cell phones. Tied to these realities it is difficult to conceive of a world without them, particularly for the younger generations and the children who were born into this world with no recollection or experience of a life without cell phones.
All of these technological advancements, when stripped down to what it truly is, becomes a life-enhancement device. A vehicle for adding to one's life. Joined with other technologies, it creates a social environment of devices that are orchestrated by mankind. Men and women use these to project themselves onto the world stage. Albeit hiding behind these altered personalities. Who lives behind these realities?
Where I am going with this is the idea that this is the same manifestation that has been created by mankind in the beginning. Interesting idea, you ask? Consider the concept of thought and what that is as well as the role it has played in the overall evolution of the human race. We have recorded our thoughts in our minds and have transmitted them to each other through the vehicle of communication. Language passed from person to person froms a continuity of a dialogue that begun in ones own head as thoughts. Saved in the form of written books, the thoughts live for as long as the book does, often superseding the person who originated it. As time goes on, perhaps a face remains and a guess as to who the person was. His or her thoughts remain though.
Like a computer program these thoughts can travel the world, reaching all of its inhabitants. Well, not quite all. These are ones whom I want to focus on, for they are certainly in the minority. People who have not been caught up in the western world of the last fifty years at least are at an advantage if they choose to explore the potentiality. These individuals coming into the western world can make the juxtaposition of thoughts and the information age.
People are able to think faster than a computer does, but the tools of which he or she was taught to express the thinking is limited to its creator. Each word has an association and each association brings with it an image that creates a deeper association depending upon the person's history be it cultural, educational, religious, etc. These boxes, are connected and could be viewed as personal websites. Communication between two people could be seen as websites interacting with each other. As they do information is passed back and forth. Sometimes one challenges it and then it branches out into another website. All of it creating a complex dialogue of interconnected websites.
On the surface it may appear that thoughts and their expressions are unlimited but in truth, like the borders of a website, they are not. The parameters are there and if not seen for what they are then thoughts will forever be a machine that runs in your mind and entangles with your emotions and causes a third entity which given the tumultuous tendencies of emotions and mental entanglements either within oneself or with another person will cause disharmonies or disease within the body. The body is the resting place for thoughts. Consider that for a moment, and then thank your body, or apologize to it.
Machines play out programs, as I've said before. Thoughts play out programs too. What stops a machine? Who has the power to stop thoughts? There was something smarter that created the machine or the computer. There is something wiser that allows the thoughts to run amok in the mind.
By seeing thoughts as machines, you are afforded the opportunity to see them from the limited perspective that they truly have. People get lost in their thoughts because they do not understand their history nor their origin. By relabeling your thoughts into something other than what they are conventionally thought as allows for new light to be shone upon them.
At that moment you can ask yourself, do I want to set my cell phone aside and spend time with what is most important to me, or do I want to continue scanning through the social media page that I have been on for the past half hour? Are your thoughts any different? This is your choice; it is your limited time here. Choose how you spend it wisely. Be the master of your mind, not its slave.

I am a metaphysical author and spiritual healing facilitator. I have written 7 books and have performed countless sessions over the past decade. My website: http://www.josephmachney.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10201747