Friday 31 January 2020

GO ALL OUT - Motivational Video

Message From the Universe: Do Not Make a Mountain Out of a Molehill!

"From here, of course, all earthly problems appear small - really small. That's because we know they're fleeting, they prepare you for the "best of your life," and you chose them, not wanting to obtain their rewards in any other way.
But from where you are, of course, they can look gigantic. That's because they're often seen as permanent, limiting, and imposed upon you by chance, fate, or circumstance.
Get real. See them from our perspective.
To the best of your life starting right now,
The Universe"

Thursday 30 January 2020

If You Want To Escape Poverty, DO THIS NOW!

Success Secret: The Art of Repetition

One afternoon, I was walking up the stairs of a 3-storey building where I lived with a friend of mine. When we got to the topmost floor, she asked me,"Nigel, how do you manage to climb up and down these stairs everyday?" "It's tiring", she added. I smiled, looked at her and said, "It's because I'm used to it and you're not".
End of story.
What's the essence of telling you that story? It's because I need you to get this point straight: "NOTHING IS TOO HARD OR DIFFICULT TO ACCOMPLISH, YOU'RE EITHER NOT USED TO IT OR YOU LACK THE PASSION FOR IT".

Wednesday 29 January 2020

Tony Robbins: THE MAGIC OF CHANGING YOUR THINKING! (very motivational)

Feeling Bored? Spice Up Your Life!

Ever look at your life and feel like it's not what you thought it would be? A lot of people have felt that way at some point in their lives. We had this idea in our minds of how our life would be and it's nowhere near that. That could be for a number of reasons but regardless, I believe it's never too late to accomplish your goals and dreams. It's never too late to make a change. If you're feeling like your life is boring, that may be because you're not doing anything. You are not really participating in life. Life is happening all around you and you're sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else. You have to be honest with yourself. You should do an internal check-in with yourself. Where are you emotionally and mentally? Spiritually? Whether you are religious or spiritual or neither, I think prayer is something we've all heard of. If you believe in prayer, when is the last time you prayed for guidance? Day by day, life is happening. You only get to do this thing called life once. I don't think anyone wants to consider their life boring. A lot of things are in our control. For example, if you stay home all the time and never go anywhere, you associate with the same people, you never try anything new, that's a choice. You're choosing to do that. We all choose to do what we do. The reality is that nothing changes until YOU change. You must decide to. So if you're feeling bored, here are a few tips to spice up your life:

Tuesday 28 January 2020

You Deserve To Be A Winner

Have you ever felt that somebody who wins all the time has their luck working for them? And that their life is nice and easy compared to yours? Haven't we all? But, unfortunately that's not even close to being the truth. The fact is that winning and losing have some things in common: they are both habits. You probably know someone who can't win at the game of life, no matter how many advantages he's given. You also know someone that's the exact opposite. He wins at everything, even though he doesn't seem to have any advantages.
Which of those two would you like to be? The winner! right? If you could just develop these simple habits listed below you'd be amazed at how dramatically you will increase your chances of winning consistently!

Monday 27 January 2020

Tony Robbins: THE SECRET TO SELF CONTROL (Amazing Motivational Speech)

Do You Eliminate the Positives or the Negatives?

If there's one thing I know well, it's that life is good and always getting better. IF you let it. A business associate once told me, 'This is the worst it will ever be. It only gets better and better!' That is an empowering belief!
The pessimists (and the close-minded) will say 'How awful! You're doing so bad it can't get any worse!' Well, OK. One of my friends actually believes it CAN get worse, no matter what. He is thankful for what he has, which he should be, but mainly because 'it could be worse.'
Why is the first statement good and the second bad?

Sunday 26 January 2020

TONY ROBBINS: How to Find Yourself When You're Feeling Lost (PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT)

Your Life Is Waiting On You! When Are You Going To Show Up?

I first heard the phrase 'start before you're ready' from Marshawn Evans. I thought to myself she must be crazy. I can't start before I'm ready. Well I have to be honest. Marshawn was right. Once I got enough courage to do my own event, I thought to myself that I wish I would've started sooner.
Your Life Matters. Your life is waiting on you. Many of us are waiting for the perfect time to start our business, the perfect time to travel, the perfect time to move, the perfect time to buy a new car, the perfect opportunity, etc. While it makes sense to wait to do certain things so you don't appear to be completely irrational or illogical, the reality is that there's never going to be a perfect time. Perfection doesn't exist. Sometimes you just have to take a risk. You have to do something different.

Saturday 25 January 2020

How to Master Your Money & Set Yourself Free with Amanda Steinberg

Message From the Universe: Where Opportunities Knock More Than ONCE in Your Lifetime

"Never compromise a dream.
Do what you must. The fears, beasts, and mountains before you are part of the plan; stepping-stones to a promised land; to a time and place that is so much closer than even you suspect.
Don't let your eyes deceive, for even as you read these words, your ship swiftly approaches.
The Universe"

Friday 24 January 2020

Who Fills Your Success Plate?

I was thinking about the demands we place upon ourselves those others place on us. I noticed that some people have mountains of tasks before them and cheerfully and effectively plow through them without major disruptions to their lives. Others however find themselves overwhelmed and fall further and further behind in their lives.
What is the difference?

Thursday 23 January 2020

Tony Robbins: Train Your Brain To Make More Money (very motivational)

You Can't Motivate Anyone!

That's right... You can't motivate anyone else. It is flat out impossible to do that. Why not? After all, didn't people like Tony Robbins and Zig Ziglar make millions being motivational speakers? They did. But they didn't motivate anyone either. Motivation is not something that comes from outside. It comes from within.
Motivation is a reason to act; something that moves you to action. Only you can decide what you want to act on. Only you can decide what is important enough to act upon. I can't make you act on something. I can't make you excited about something. I can't give you reasons to act or not act. What moves you to act will almost entirely be how you feel about something.

Wednesday 22 January 2020

TRY IT FOR 1 DAY! The Billionaires Do This Everyday! | Dandapani

Stop Trying To Avoid Failure

We hear the word and cringe at the thought of it. From the time we were kids, we've been exposed to the many aspects and importances of winning. And as we mature, our ambitions continue to grow from our visions of success and accomplishment.
Envisioning a victorious outcome will often provide the strength to move forward, even when it seems as though you're pushing a boulder uphill.
But what of failure? What happens to your outlook when you think, even for a moment, that you might not succeed? You probably feel just about the same as everyone else would; defeated, sad, worried, or even stressed perhaps. And when these feelings begin to swirl around on the inside, the ripple effects begin to take hold of your performance, and create something often referred to as "paralysis by analysis".

Tuesday 21 January 2020

18 Life Principles For Greater Living

We all have a set of principles we abide by. Ask any person about their values and beliefs and they'll respond according to what's important to them.
I've noticed a central theme in my advice since first writing about: personal development, motivation and success. For the uninitiated, it can be summarised in the following eighteen points.
They are in no particular order and I urge you to identify with those you resonate with and incorporate them into your life.
  1. Love More: Not just people or things, but yourself. Many of life's problems result from a lack of self-love. To love more means to connect with the deeper intelligence that guides your being. You are the embodiment of love, irrespective of whether you're hurt or betrayed. Set aside those feelings and know that you are the ocean swimming in a sea of love. Drown yourself in it.
  1. Be Vigilant With Your Thoughts: Be mindful of your thoughts and don't let them consume you. Do you think uplifting thoughts or are they filled with self-doubt and pessimism? Do you look for the silver lining in situations or do you consider what could go wrong? Do you have a fixed or growth-mindset? Despite people's beliefs, our thoughts are not fixed. They're shaped by being aware of them and not believing everything you think.

Monday 20 January 2020

How Incredibly Successful People THINK

How To Overcome Feeling Stuck In Life

It's All Perception
You've tried everything to improve your life, but nothing changes. Frustration develops and you're disappointed because you're unable to resolve the situation.
Allow me to put your mind at ease over the coming paragraphs.
Here's the good news. Remaining stuck is only a perception and does not represent your actual reality.
Now the not-so-good news. Feeling stuck is a sign something needs to change in your life. You might have an intuitive impulse to make those changes, but resist doing so for fear of change.

Sunday 19 January 2020

Social Intelligence and Detecting Deception!

Human beings are 'social animals' less by choice and more by necessity. Yes! If we go back to the early days of our civilization, the evolution had brought us to a juncture where we had to concede to the fact that we were neither the fastest nor the strongest animal around and thus had to be smartest. And the smartest thing to do was to stay in groups and use that collective strength and intelligence to survive.
The strategy succeeded but also left us with a responsibility bordering on a burden. We had to learn to deal with the complexities of managing relationships. And with that came many acts to be performed 'day to day' - managing impressions, shaping perceptions, tracking conditions and making adjustments. This art of 'diplomacy' was required, yet there was a side-effect attached to it - the risk of getting turned into 'manipulation'.

Saturday 18 January 2020

Tony Robbins: Feeling Lost? How to Find Yourself Again ( Tony Robbins Passion )

Dream the Dream, Even If the Actors Change

The hardest thing in life is to follow a dream. Some folks don't have any dreams at all. Others don't know where to start. Most are too afraid to fail or succeed or even worse both. The few that stick with it inherit a double-edged sword to live by. On one hand, if you don't do anything with the dream, it rots inside, eating you away. Bitterness consumes you and the excuses made are the lies you feed the public to keep their questions at bay. However, the other option is an unmapped road figured out solely on your own, stumbling through the dark with a faulty torchlight at best.
And where do you start? From whom do you seek advice? How to separate the genuine help from the snakes and sharks?
All these questions with no correct answer.

Friday 17 January 2020

5 Reasons Why You've Lost Your Motivation

We all lose our focus from time to time, even on important things. Motivation is the same way. Because of your busy life or other factors, your burning desire to reach a certain goal or achieve a desired result can slip away. Be aware of the following 6 reasons that may cause you to lose your motivation on the way to success.
1 - You experienced a drastic lifestyle change.
Stress, health problems, the birth of a new baby - these are all major lifestyle events. No matter how dedicated and motivated you are, life sometimes gets in the way of you achieving your dreams and desires. To be successful at any major achievement, you're going to have to negotiate speed bumps along the way. This includes any major lifestyle changes you may experience.

Thursday 16 January 2020

Tony Robbins: How to Control Your Mind (very motivational)

4 Ways To Simplify Your Life Right Now

In a period of information overload, there's never been a better time to simplify life.
The raging struggle of modern existence can lead to inner turmoil if we're unaware.
The key to living an inspired life is to simplify it. To gain clarity on what's important, let go of unnecessary conditions and tune into what you value most. Most people chase material possessions believing they'll be happy, only to realise it makes matters worse.
The more clutter in your life, the less capable you are of knowing what's important to you since you are distracted by insignificant issues that vie for your attention. Naturally, you react to what is taking place before you instead of what's essential.
Health, relationships, family and living my purpose are central aspects to my life nowadays. It's taken an entire lifetime to reach this point, yet it's well worth it. That which brings you joy and happiness require the least effort.

Wednesday 15 January 2020

What Are You Investing For? Cash Flow or Capital Gains? - Robert Kiyosaki

The Free World: Is Anything Free In This World?

It is very natural and common for people to want to get things for free and live without any caution or discipline of law. People want freedom to do anything they like, and go anywhere they like. They hate to be told what to do and how to do things and this kind of attitude have led many to failure and sometimes to early grave. This is a childlike attitude, a child wants to eat sugar alone, but the adult helps the child to control his diet for a healthy living. Freedom is the ability to discipline yourself to do only those things that will help you to move forward in life.
There is one thing though about freedom, and that is the fact that it becomes something else when your freedom becomes a burden to other people. Any freedom you express that is causing headache to another person is not freedom at all, it is now an oppression of other people. When you use your freedom to earn and enjoy money to rob other people of their labour or hard earned money, you are not doing a good service to mankind. Freedom is freedom indeed when it does not infringe on other people's right. It is a free world for all, not just for you, consideration must be given to others.

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Tips for Building Your Career Path

Every successful career is built on solid career planning and preparation beforehand. Chartering a well-defined career path is a must to be able to direct your time, effort and money towards achieving the right goals and progressing towards the right direction. Without a clearly defined path, you will likely wander around mindlessly digging into whatever books you can read, attending whatever workshops you can find online and whatever job positions you are offered which ultimately culminate in years of your life spent on working for something that does not fully satisfy your passion.
Determine What Career You Want
Before building a path, you need to know what you're building it for. Making career choices is not the easiest, but it's definitely one of the most important life decisions you'll be making. Ask yourself what your true passion is. Is it in finance or business? Engineering? Web development? Writing? Regardless of what you decide on, be sure it's something you actually want to do for the long run. Your reasons for pursuing the profession should go beyond the short-term merits of a good paycheck or job stability.
Make it a Regular Event

Monday 13 January 2020

STOP searching for your passion and do this instead | Mel Robbins

The Most Significant Ways To Reclaim Your Life

How To Make Sense Of Chaos

You may believe your life is spinning out of control.

However, it's a misguided perception because you're invested in your circumstances and unable to see an alternative solution.

I'm drawn to the tale by Anthony de Mello which highlights our reaction to life:

Sunday 12 January 2020

START DOING THIS NOW!!! "I Assure You It Will Make You Rich"

Message From the Universe: Where Things Appear to Be Different Than What They Really Are!

"Within any clearly imagined dream, far beyond the curtains of time and space, lies the intelligence and energy to choreograph the entire sequence of events necessary to make it manifest as soon as possible.
And if you physically move towards that dream, demonstrating both faith and belief, making yourself available to "accidents and coincidences," not insisting on the hows and rolling with what may come, the sequence is permitted to play itself out.
Understand, however, that since you will only perceive this sequence with your physical senses upon a linear time line, it will likely seem that much of your journey doesn't make sense, is unpredictable, or may even appear off-course.
Yeah, you're crushing it right about now -
The Universe"

Saturday 11 January 2020

Why Hope Will Get You Through Anything

Life is full of twists and turns, it's easy to become despondent.
Obstacles and adversities show up unexpectedly and we find ourselves out of our comfort zone.
People say life is unfair?
I presume they're referring to life being unfavourable when things don't go as planned.
Surely, we're intelligent enough to know, we don't always get what we want. Sorry to rain on your parade.
Regardless, one thing that's helped me remain optimistic, is that not everything will go as planned and that's okay. In fact, not getting what I want is often a good thing, since there's often something greater on the horizon to fill its place.
We must accept life will be full of: obstacles, road blocks, negative emotions and circumstances that will derail our best laid plans. Knowing this should remove the burden, life is not pure sailing, but an adventure full of valleys and victories.
If you fear, "what could go wrong next," you place an unnecessary burden on your shoulders while dreading the worst.
If you adopt a hopeful and optimistic heart, you can breathe easier and expect a more pleasant future.
Hope Has What It Takes
Hope is more valuable than we give it credit for. It's a soft burning flame, unable to be extinguished and capable of enduring any conditions.

Friday 10 January 2020

How to Use Fear As a Form of Motivation

Do you procrastinate because you feel fear of rejection, pitfalls and failure while pursuing your goals or life purpose. Fear not as this article shows you how you can use fear to motivate yourself, accomplishing your burning desires.
Here are several tips:
1) Say, for instance, you are attracted to a lady in the office. But you feel fear of rejection. It just requires a mind shift. Think of how happy the lady would be if you ask her out on a date. Think of a bright future ahead. Plan on how you can entice that lady. Work on it and it becomes a game of life, winning her victoriously in the end, which is very motivating indeed!

Thursday 9 January 2020

Success Is As Important As How It Is Achieved

According to Niccolo Machiavelli, "The end justifies the means." Though this expression has become a maxim to many people, it does not excel the test of an ethical examination. A positive end does not justify an evil means; neither does a negative end invalidate a positive means. Success, an end, is as important as the means through which it is achieved. Hence, the end should not be judged in isolation of the means.
Success should not be considered as something complex, as it is visible in the daily and events of life. Success is seen not only in complex and exceptional accomplishments, but also in the simple and ordinary achievements. It is obvious and evident in the common events and activities of life. This is the reason you do not need to look to far to see success, as it is present in the accomplishment of simple goals you set.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Jim Rohn - 101 Guide To Setting Goals

7 Helpful Tips To Sustain Your Motivation

When it pertains to getting things done, motivation can be hard to come by. Yet, that is precisely what is required. A small amount of motivation is needed to do little, simple things, like brushing your teeth. Larger jobs require more motivation to complete.
But how do you find motivation when you have none?
Discover how to really motivate yourself and you'll achieve more:
1. Use pain. If you cannot complete a specific job, what are the consequences? It may simply be the inconvenience of having more to do the following day. Or it could be the possibility of someone stopping by and seeing how dirty your home is.

Stop Overanalysing Every Thought For Peace Of Mind

An Original Thought
A cascade of thoughts emerge from your mind with a life of their own. One minute everything is fine, the next you're trapped in a web of destruction.
The thoughts lead you down a trail of nothingness, overwhelming you.
How does this happen and why do you allow yourself to get caught up in the anxiety?
It's easy to become entangled in our thoughts because we experience them thousands of times a day.
Thoughts pass through our mind for no reason, and if we cling to them, they can cause emotional upheaval.
We give the most attention to thoughts related to our happiness and survival. Situations that disrupt our homeostasis are likely to result in overthinking.

Tuesday 7 January 2020

IT'S TIME TO CHANGE - New Years Motivation

Communicate to Motivate

Motivation or Communication, which is more important.
Motivation is critical to increasing or at the very least maintaining productivity. Knowing how to communicate effectively in order to motivate is a skill that many leaders would like to have. The need to listen and a willingness to understand others is vital in motivation. To stimulate someone into productivity the leader must be able to communicate effectively. A loss in the communication will induce negative emotions thus effecting the motivation to accomplish a desired goal.

Monday 6 January 2020

Dr. Bruce Lipton Explains HOW WE ARE PROGRAMMED AT BIRTH (an eye opening video)

Anthony Robbins: Who Do You Think You Are?

REMEMBER YOUR DREAM - Motivational Video

Message From the Universe: Work on Quality, Not Quantity!

"A master's awareness of spiritual laws directs him or her to manifest major life changes by working with their thoughts, not by working harder.
Which isn't to say they don't sometimes work very long hours, because they do; they just don't think of it as work. Which also isn't to say they all have cool jobs that anyone would love, because they don't; they just see every task before them, no matter where they work, as a gift to unwrap.
The Universe

Sunday 5 January 2020

Don't Count On Motivation, Because Discipline Is The Key

Discipline Is King
Motivation is a fleeting state that requires a certain mental or emotional approach to reach a goal.
It fluctuates depending on outward conditions.
In contrast, discipline can help you conquer the toughest challenges.
For example, you may wake up with a cold or flu and have a 10,000 word report to write, yet not be motivated to complete it.
However, discipline commands you tackle the work knowing it must be completed, regardless.
Success depends on discipline because motivation comes and go. It entails chipping away at a goal until the desired outcome is realised.
Motivation is interrupted by excuses and fades steadily. This is why your motivation at the beginning of the year contracts towards the latter part.
"In other words, if you are an effective manager of yourself, your discipline comes from within; it is a function of your independent will. You are a disciple, a follower, of your own deep values and their source. And you have the will, the integrity, to subordinate your feelings, your impulses, your moods to those values," states author Stephen R. Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Saturday 4 January 2020

Tony Robbins: How to Become More Disciplined (MUST WATCH)

Simple Encouragement - How Positive Motivation Can Make a Huge Impact

How about encouraging the people around you a little? How do you it? How does it help? Read on for answers.
Making others smile and giving them a little joy by appreciating them a little definitely makes you smile and gives you joy. While you forget it in a short while, people remember and savor your compliments for a lifetime.
How about making it a point and visiting kindergarten schools and spending time with the kids taking the teachers' permission and helping the kids to have a great time by finger painting? Simply encouraging them to have a little fun will make them smile and make their day. The teachers will be equally pleased and learn from you.

Friday 3 January 2020

Tony Robbins 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom with Lewis Howes

Life purpose - Eckhart Tolle

4 Quick Tips to Get Back In the Swing of Things When You've Lost Motivation

It has been a couple weeks since Hurricane Irma made landfall. And, while she is gone, among the many things she took from us, she took with her a lot of people's motivation.
I noticed that people are still turned upside down from the hurricane. Some, rightfully so. If you have lost a loved one or lost your home, it may take years to even begin to start getting over something like this. But in today's message, I am going to talk to those who did not lose a loved one or their homes.
I know that rebounding after an event like Irma can be hard, but we have to do it. Events of all sorts come through our lives like hurricanes at times. They sweep and stir up everything in sight and then are suddenly gone only to leave a mess we have to clean up. Relationships, a long absence from work or being down sick can turn our lives upside down and make us less motivated. There are many of these events that have and will occur in our lives, but there comes a point when you have to get back in the swing of things again.
Here are 4 Quick Tips to Get Back In the Swing of Things when You've Lost Motivation
1. Spend time with people that re-energize you.
If you want a double dose of motivation and a cup full of inspiration, hang out with the go-getters of the world. Find the people in your circle that are pushing toward goals, overcoming hurdles and getting crap done. The more time you spend with them, the more apt you will be to get back in the swing of things. Set meetings with these go-getters, take them to

Thursday 2 January 2020

The 10 holiday gifts that will change your life | Tony Robbins

Make Yourself Interesting and Learn to Talk to Strangers

As a senior person many my age complain they are lonely and have nothing much to do. In other words, they are bored and frustrated. When one reaches a certain age it seems that you are no longer needed and when you ask for help from family members they often develop a problem with their health or mind that prevents them from taking you on. At least that is my experience.
Fortunately, I am neither lonely or bored but sometimes get frustrated. My life has always been full of interesting journeys and achievements. That has led me to write articles, like this one, publish some books, build my web sites, and join in conversations with people on social media, and so on.
It is, however, only a part of my reaching out and being accepted. Because of my interest in most things friends can be made as simply as talking to someone in the supermarket. Yesterday, for instance, I was looking for a special extending broom in one particular shop. A lady was looking at something else when I casually pointed out that it looked interesting.

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Setting Goals - Jim Rohn - How To Set Goals For The Life You Actually Want

Everything Happens For A Reason, Or, Does It?

I disagree with the concept that everything happens for a reason. I think that everything just happens and we give it meaning by our response to what happens.
The river flows with fresh water. We give it meaning by taking a bucket and collecting the water to drink, otherwise, if we let it flow without taking action, it becomes salt water when it reaches the ocean and becomes undrinkable. It no longer has meaning as the fresh water turns to salt.
Things are always just happening. We give it reason by how we respond to it and the manner in which we respond.
It is not a common thing for people to say that everything happens for a reason. That is because there are so many things happening every moment that we could give reason to, which could have tremendous value, but we ignore and just let blow by like a leaf in the wind.
Life has lost focus and value because we focus on only the big events, the emotional situations, the things that give us what we are looking for, or conversely, as an excuse to deal with problems or avoid doing unsavoury tasks.
We only say that things have a reason so that we can deal with a difficult, or accept a happy situation.
A Kabbalah saying is; 'Not even one leaf falls from a tree that does not have a spiritual significance.'